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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

UNU-IAS courses in the autumn semester AY2019 July 24, 2019

Deadlines/Event Dates August 8, 2019

UNU-IAS courses in the autumn semester AY2019

*UNU-IAS: United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability

Under the exchange agreement between GraSPP and UNU-IAS, full-time students in either Master’s Program or Ph.D Program at GraSPP are able to register courses without paying tuition.
If you wish to take courses, please read through the Application Guideline and submit the following documents by NOON on Thursday, 8 August to the GraSPP Graduate School Office.

  • Application Guideline (PDF, 228KB)
  • UNU-IAS Course List Autumn Semester 2019 (PDF, 170KB)
    * There is no need for GraSPP students to register courses by the UNU-IAS deadline.
  • Course Syllabi (ZIP, 1.80MB)
  • UNU-IAS Course Calendar (PDF, 104KB)

Application Documents

1 Application form (Excel, 25KB)
2 Statement of purpose (Word, 67KB)
3 A copy of transcript
4 A copy of TOEFL or IELTS score report

* Both paper-based and online application are acceptable. If you send the documents via e-mail, please submit all files in PDF format.

Submit to: the GraSPP Graduate School Office <exchange[at]>

If students apply for the credit accreditation separately, course credits taken at UNU-IAS may be transferable to GraSPP. Those who wish to transfer credits are required to contact the GraSPP Graduate School Office after UNU-IAS courses start.