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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

国際労働機関(ILO)イベントのお知らせ/Anouncement from International Labour Organization (ILO) August 19, 2019

Anouncement from International Labour Organization (ILO)

If you interested in this Event, please apply to the programme through the following website directly

【(Aug 29) Anouncement from International Labour Organization (ILO); TICAD Official Side Event】

<ILO Future of Work High-Level Dialogue Jobs4Youth: A Human-centered Agenda to Boost Investments and Productivity in Africa>

1.    Date & Time: 15:30–17:00, Thursday 29th August, 2019
2.    Venue: F201 Annex, Pacifico Yokohama
3.   Organizer: International Labour Organization (ILO)   Supporter: JICA Research Institute
4.   Languages:English and Japanese  *Simultaneous interpretation provided

Event HP:–en/index.htm


 【(Sep 13) Anouncement from International Labour Organization (ILO); TICAD Partner Project Event】

<ILO-Japan Co-operative Alliance (JCA) Public Seminar:Future of Work × Africa × Cooperatives>

【Date】: Fri. 13th September, 2019, 14:00~16:30
【Venue】: United Nations University, 1F , Annex Hall (5-53-70 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo)MAP
【Organized by】: ILO Office for Japan / Japan Co-operative Alliance(JCA)
【Fee】: Free
【Language】:    Japanese / English (simultaneous interpretation)
【Application】:     Please fill in the form  <> by 11th, September (Wed)

Event HP:–en/index.htm
