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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

Internship: Global Financial Partnership Center (GLOPAC) at Financial Services Agency (FSA) August 23, 2019

Deadlines/Event Dates August 30, 2019

Global Financial Partnership Center (GLOPAC) at Financial Services Agency (FSA) provides an internship opportunity for our mid-career students with the full-time employee status at a financial regulatory/supervisory authority.
Please take a look at the following details and apply for an internship opportunity if you are interested in.

1. Topics of interest,
The internship program’s main focus this time is regulatory issues in insurance businesses while topics of general financial regulation are covered as well.

2. Eligibility
(1) A person who is in charge of financial regulation or supervisory and goes back to the current affiliation after graduation.
Those working at the Ministry of Finance, Central Bank or other relevant government bodies with deep interest in the internship program’s main focus can also apply.
Those without working knowledge on insurance regulations are also welcome.
(2) M2 or doctoral students

3. Number of positions: 1-2

4. Timeframe: October-December. Details will be announced soon. More than 7 days of internship attendance are required so that you might need to take your class schedule in mind.

5. Application documents
The following documents need to be submitted to intl-affairs[at] with the title “FSA Internship”
(1) CV (with your portrait photo)
(2) Statement of purpose

6. Deadline: Noon on August 30

7. Others
(1) After screening of the submitted application documents, candidates might be interviewed.
(2) It is not guaranteed to be accepted by the FSA after shortlisted by GraSPP. The institution will have their own screening after receiving the shortlist.

8. Inquiry: Ms. Kiyoe Iwadate (intl-affairs[at]


GLOPAC leaflet