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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

Scholarship: Second Call for the 2019 Short/ S-Short Study Abroad Scholarships / 東京大学海外派遣奨学事業 2019年度短期・超短期海外留学等奨学金第2回募集 September 30, 2019

Deadlines/Event Dates November 13, 2019

Scholarship: Go Global Scholarships Second Call for the 2019 Short (3 month-1 year) / S-Short (less than 3 months) Study Abroad Scholarships

*The application guideline and forms will be available shortly on the website below.

The 2019 Short (3 month-1 year) / S-Short (less than 3 months) Study Abroad Scholarships application guideline will be announced on the Go Global website.
Those who wish to apply for this scholarships should submit necessary documents to the Graduate School Office by the following deadline after reading the application guidelines carefully.

Deadline: 12pm on Wednesday, 13 November, 2019
Submit to (in print form): GraSPP Graduate School Office
Submit to (in electronic file): exchange[at]


  • Please be sure to prepare application documents well in advance. Applicants need to receive an explanation on procedures for their study abroad from GraSPP Graduate School Office BEFORE submitting their application.
  • To obtain the scholarship, students have to take out overseas travel insurance etc. before their departure, which covers the period of study abroad.