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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

ISS Workshop (Nov 23): Small-Area-Estimation using Non-Representative Samples November 8, 2019

Deadlines/Event Dates November 23, 2019

The topic is “Methods for Small-Area-Estimation using Non-Representative Samples”, and will be taught by Roberto Cerina (Nuffield College, Oxford University).

The workshop is aimed at scholars with a basic understanding of statistical methods, and who are interested in learning how to use non-representative samples in social science research.

This may be of particular interest to those using social media data to estimate public opinion.

Further details about the workshop, including an outline of topics covered and requirements, are appended below.

TITLE: Methods for Small-Area-Estimation using Non-Representative Samples
DATE: November 23 (Sat), 10-17:00
LOCATION: Rm 549, Akamon General Research Building, UTokyo (Hongo)

[Building #37 in this map:]

If you are interested in this workshop, please complete the form below at your earliest convenience.
There is no fee for attending, and both faculty and students are welcome to participate. Please feel free to forward this to anybody who may be interested.

We will send further details about the workshop at a later date to those who have signed up.