Notes during Activity Restricted Period
【Prevention of COVID 19 Infection Spread 】
○Do not go out if it is not necessary or urgent.
○Do not engage in face to face extracurricular activities.
※Information on COVID 19
Health Service Center website. http://www.hc.u
【Prevention of alcohol related accidents 】
○Do not drink alcohol while you are minor
○Do not force others to drink alcohol
【Compliance with laws and regulations 】
○Do not post inappropriate messages on the internet.
○Do not use or posses of illegal drugs such as cannabis, marijuana, or other synthetic variants.
In addition, we have student counseling service .
If you have any worries or concerns during your campus life, feel free to consult with the office.
※For details of the Student Counseling Service, refer to the following Center for Research on Counseling and Support Services website.