Deadlines/Event Dates July 27, 2021
Research Paper schedule (5150010 course code)
Two credit points will be conferred upon passing the final oral examination.
Research Paper can be written during the first year and second year.
You can gain up to 4 credits through the submission of a Research Paper.
Though you can register and write Research Paper and Thesis at the same semester, the title must be different.
The paper must be written under the academic supervision of a faculty member. Only those faculty members who teach course at GraSPP this academic year can be your supervisor. However, part-time lecturers and some of Visiting teachers cannot be supervisors. If you want to ask Visiting teacher, Visiting Professor or Visiting Associate Professor, to be your supervisor, please contact the GraSPP Office by 2 weeks before the registration period to confirm if he/she could be your supervisor.
■Faculty members at the GraSPP
※Faculties who do not offer any courses at the GraSPP, Part-time lectures and some of Visiting teachers cannot be supervisors.
▼Research Paper Registration Period: Wed, Jul 21, 2021 – Wed, Jul 27, 2021
Students who wish to write Research Paper must first get a consent from one of the fuculty members to become your Research Paper academic supervisor.
To register reseach paper access to the link below and submit information through MS Forms.
If you are asked to sign in, use “10digit Common” and your UTokyo Account password.
Please enter required information correctly and submit on the period above.
Confirmation email will be sent automatically to you and your supervisor after your submission.
If you have any questions please contact GraSPP Office (
※The Research Paper will be registered as a 2 credit point course. Registration on UTAS is not required. Please be aware that 2 credit points will still count as part of student’s annual credit point limit (maximum 38 per annum) even if you withdraw and does not submit a Research Paper (please refer to the Graduate School of Public Policy Regulations, Article 11, Section 2). In this case, the grade will be “M”.
※Withdrawal of Research Paper should be requested by notifying GraSPP Office via email including his/her supervisor in cc. Approval from the faculty must be obtained in advance.
▼Title Report Submission Period: Mon, Oct 25, 2021 – Fri, Oct 29, 2021
Approval from the faculty must be obtained in advance.
To report reseach paper title, access to the link below and submit information through MS Forms.
If you are asked to sign in, use “10digit Common” and your UTokyo Account password.
Please enter required information correctly and submit on the period above.
Confirmation email will be sent automatically to your supervisor after your submission.
If you have any questions please contact GraSPP Office (
※Title change after this submission period must be requested by notifying GraSPP Office via email including your supervisor in CC. Title change is possible until your research paper submission. Approval from your supervisor must be obtained in advance. If the title of Research Paper you submit has a different title from the on you reported GraSPP Office, your Research Paper submission will not be accepted.
▼Research Paper Submission Period: Mon, Nov 29, 2021 – Fri, Dec 3, 2021
All documents are to be submitted by uploading the PDF file to the folder below.
※Reseach Paper can only be accepted during the submission period.
Please submit “Research Paper” and “Research Paper summary” in seperate PDF files.
■Research Paper
① Research Paper should not be longer than 12,000 characters (Japanese) or 4,200 words (English). You must get a permission from your supervisor if the research paper exceeds these limits. You do not have to contact GraSPP office on this matter.
② Write using word processing software. It must be written no more than 1,400 characters (Japanese) or 490 words (English) in a page.
③ Must include a contents page that specifies page numbers.
④ Cover page must include Research Paper title, student ID No, and your Name.
⑤ The first page should only be used for cover page. Contents page should start from the pages that follow.
⑥ Please use the research paper posted on GraSPP website as a reference to check your format.
⑦ File name must be “(Student ID No.)ReseachPaper2021A”. (e.g.: 51190000ReseachPaper2021A)
■Research Paper Summary
⑧ The Research Paper Summary should not be longer than 3000 characters (Japanese) or 1,050 words (English).
⑨ Notes ②, ④ and ⑤ also applies to research paper summary.
⑩ Research Paper and Research Paper Summary must be in separate PDF. For Research Paper Summary , file name must be “(Student ID No.)Research PaperSummary2021A”.
- Students who have gained the prior approval of their academic advisor may not be required to follow the aforementioned format for the Research Paper and the Research Paper Summary. There is no need to notify GraSPP Office about the matters which are gained the prior approval of academic advisor.
- Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. Plagiarism is a serious offence. If it is discovered, students may have credits cancelled or their degree revoked. This also applies to degrees that have already been conferred.
▼Oral Examination Period: Thu, Jan 20, 2022 – Fri, Jan 21, 2022
Examination date and time will be fixed based on the agreement between students and judges.
If necessary, it could be scheduled outside of the period above. Please consult with your supervisor.