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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

[Deadline Today]Notes Regarding Course Registration Correction for S1S2, S1 Courses April 26, 2024

Deadlines/Event Dates April 26, 2024

Today, April 26 is the last day of registration correction period for courses offered at S1S2 term and S1 term.

Please reconfirm Page 38-40 of “Course Registration and Academic Procedures Guide” and make sure you register necessary courses during the designated period.


Registration Correction Period
From Wednesday, April 24 to Friday, April 26.

Course Registration and Academic Procedures Guide (PDF)


Please pay special attention to the following points:

-During “Course registration correction period” you can add, change or remove courses during the period. You CANNOT add, change or remove courses after the period.

-You need to register your courses through UTAS. Course registration through UTOL or bookmarking syllabus on UTAS is different from “Course Registration” on UTAS. To earn credits, you must register courses through UTAS.

-Maximum amount of credits that students can register in one academic year is 38. Autumn enrolled student’s academic year will be counted from September.

-If you are planning to register Thesis(6 credits) and/or Research Paper(2 credits), please make sure you do not exceed 38 credits including Thesis and Research Paper.

-If you have any trouble or difficulties with registration on UTAS, please contact GraSPP Office by the end of course registration correction period. We cannot respond to any request after the period.