GraSPP taught me the way to connect economic theories to the real world
GraSPP taught me the way to connect economic theories to the real world
A semester that far exceeded my expectations personally wise and academically wise
CAMPUS Asia Plusプログラムのウェブサイトをリニューアルしました
飯塚敏晃教授及び重岡仁教授の共著論文”Is Zero a Special Price? Evidence from Child Healthcare”が、American Economic Journal: Applied Economicsに採択されました
China, Japan, and South Korea―education & exchange programs amid the global challenges | Can the obstacles posed by COVID-19 be turned into an opportunity for change?
Dean’s greetings to new students in Autumn 2022
イー・クアン・ヘン教授の研究記事がThe International Spectatorに掲載されました