Additional Application: Summer Internship 2017
Additional Application: Summer Internship 2017
Study Abroad: Updates on the “Go Global” website / 海外留学・国際交流情報ウェブサイト掲載情報一覧
Guest Speaker Seminar: “PPP and Project Finance in the Transport Sector” by Mr. Hideto Shimonishi, Manager, Project Finance Office, Structured Finance Division, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.
NOTICE: How to issue a tuition receipt through UTAS / UTAS稼働後の授業料領収書の発行方法
NOTICE: Temporary suspension of UT-mate & certificate dispenser / 学務システム(UT-mate)及び自動証明書発行機の一時停止 ※Reposted
CJK joint research opportunities at TCS for PhD student
A1 Intensive「Advanced Study of Science & Technology」(5130220)