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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

Courses 2018-2019

Courses offered by the GraSPP faculty are listed by the following groups: basic, topics, practical training, case studies, research paper, and research thesis. Courses in the basic and topics categories are also classified by three subject areas: law, political science, and economics. Please note that selected courses in basic, topics, case studies categories may be cross-listed as practical training courses.

Course Catalog

Course Catalog 2018-2019 ※11/30 updated


You can find the syllabi on the UTAS.
Release day of the syllabi for AY2018:9am on Thursday, 22nd March, 2018.

You can find the syllabi from the below site except some contents.
▼The University of Tokyo Online Course catalog

Class Schedule

※Courses taught in English are indicated by English course titles.
S1S2  ※5/31 updated
A1A2 ※11/30 updated
for Doctoral Program ※11/1 updated

You can find each building number on the Map from the below link.

Course Numbering

Course Numbering at the University of Tokyo

List of Course Numbering Of GraSPP

Classification of GraSPP Courses taught in English

Classification of GraSPP Courses taught in English for AY2018 ※5/31 updated

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