特任教授 / Project Professor FOOTE, Daniel HarringtonFOOTE, Daniel H.
Graduate Schools for Law and Politics
Courses in AY 2024
- 5121394 Perspectives on Law:Japanese Law as Viewed from Abroad
Research Fields
Sociology of Law; Law and Society (Japan). Research interests include: the legal profession, the judiciary, criminal justice, legal education, and dispute resolution.
Project Professor, The University of Tokyo Faculty of Law
Board of Governors, Japan Commercial Arbitration Association
Co-convener, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, Japan Chapter
Board of Trustees, Japanese-American Society for Legal Studies
Steering Committee, Intercollegiate Negotiation Competition, Japan
Major Publications
Books include:
Hō no keikenteki shakaikagaku no kakuritsu ni mukete – Murayama Masayuki Sensei koki shukuga – [Toward Empirical Social Science of Law: The Festschrift for Professor Masayuki Murayama’s 70th Birthday] (Daniel H. Foote, Hamano Ryō and Ōta Shōzō eds.) (Tokyo: Shinzansha, 2019)
Supervising Translator, Shimin no shihō sanka to minshu shugi: Amerika baishinsei no jisshō kenkyū (Nippon Hyōronsha, 2016; translation of Gastil et al., The Jury and Democracy: How Jury Deliberation Promotes Civic Engagement and Political Participation [Oxford, 2010])
Hābādo: Takuetsu no himitsu -- Hābādo rō sukūru no eichi ni manabu [Harvard: Secrets to Its Preeminence – Learning from the Wisdom of Harvard Law School] (Yukio Yanagida and Daniel H. Foote) (Tokyo: Yūhikaku, 2010) (in Japanese)
Gendai Nihon no funsō shori to minji shihō 3: Saiban keiken to soshō kōdō [Civil Justice and Dispute Resolution in Contemporary Japan 3: Litigation Experience and Litigation Behavior] (Daniel H. Foote and Shōzō Ōta eds.) (Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 2010) (in Japanese)
Hōshakaigaku no shinsedai [A New Generation for Sociology of Law] (Shōzō Ōta, Ryō Hamano, Daniel H. Foote and Masayuki Murayama eds.) (Tokyo: Yūhikaku, 2009) (in Japanese)
Law in Japan: A Turning Point (Daniel H. Foote ed.) (Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, 2007)
Na mo nai kao mo nai shihō: Nihon no saiban wa kawaru no ka [Nameless Faceless Justice: Will Japan’s Courts Change?] (Masayuki Tamaruya tr.) (Tokyo: NTT Shuppan, 2007) (in Japanese)
Saiban to shakai: shihō no “jōshiki” saikō [The Courts and Society: Reconsidering “Common Knowledge” Regarding Justice] (Masayuki Tamaruya tr.) (Tokyo: NTT Shuppan, 2006) (in Japanese)
Tokeru sakai koeru hō (4): media to seido [Dissolving Borders, Transcending Law (4): Media and Systems] (Daniel H. Foote and Yasuo Hasebe eds.) (Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 2005) (in Japanese)
Law and Investment in Japan: Cases and Materials (Yukio Yanagida, Daniel H. Foote, Edward S. Johnson, Jr., J. Mark Ramseyer and Hugh T. Scogin, Jr.) (Cambridge, MA: Harvard East Asian Legal Studies Series, distributed by Harvard University Press, 1st ed. 1994; 2nd ed 2001)
Over 90 articles and book chapters on various aspects of Japanese, U.S., and comparative law.
Hō no keikenteki shakaikagaku no kakuritsu ni mukete – Murayama Masayuki Sensei koki shukuga – [Toward Empirical Social Science of Law: The Festschrift for Professor Masayuki Murayama’s 70th Birthday] (Daniel H. Foote, Hamano Ryō and Ōta Shōzō eds.) (Tokyo: Shinzansha, 2019)
Supervising Translator, Shimin no shihō sanka to minshu shugi: Amerika baishinsei no jisshō kenkyū (Nippon Hyōronsha, 2016; translation of Gastil et al., The Jury and Democracy: How Jury Deliberation Promotes Civic Engagement and Political Participation [Oxford, 2010])
Hābādo: Takuetsu no himitsu -- Hābādo rō sukūru no eichi ni manabu [Harvard: Secrets to Its Preeminence – Learning from the Wisdom of Harvard Law School] (Yukio Yanagida and Daniel H. Foote) (Tokyo: Yūhikaku, 2010) (in Japanese)
Gendai Nihon no funsō shori to minji shihō 3: Saiban keiken to soshō kōdō [Civil Justice and Dispute Resolution in Contemporary Japan 3: Litigation Experience and Litigation Behavior] (Daniel H. Foote and Shōzō Ōta eds.) (Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 2010) (in Japanese)
Hōshakaigaku no shinsedai [A New Generation for Sociology of Law] (Shōzō Ōta, Ryō Hamano, Daniel H. Foote and Masayuki Murayama eds.) (Tokyo: Yūhikaku, 2009) (in Japanese)
Law in Japan: A Turning Point (Daniel H. Foote ed.) (Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, 2007)
Na mo nai kao mo nai shihō: Nihon no saiban wa kawaru no ka [Nameless Faceless Justice: Will Japan’s Courts Change?] (Masayuki Tamaruya tr.) (Tokyo: NTT Shuppan, 2007) (in Japanese)
Saiban to shakai: shihō no “jōshiki” saikō [The Courts and Society: Reconsidering “Common Knowledge” Regarding Justice] (Masayuki Tamaruya tr.) (Tokyo: NTT Shuppan, 2006) (in Japanese)
Tokeru sakai koeru hō (4): media to seido [Dissolving Borders, Transcending Law (4): Media and Systems] (Daniel H. Foote and Yasuo Hasebe eds.) (Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 2005) (in Japanese)
Law and Investment in Japan: Cases and Materials (Yukio Yanagida, Daniel H. Foote, Edward S. Johnson, Jr., J. Mark Ramseyer and Hugh T. Scogin, Jr.) (Cambridge, MA: Harvard East Asian Legal Studies Series, distributed by Harvard University Press, 1st ed. 1994; 2nd ed 2001)
Over 90 articles and book chapters on various aspects of Japanese, U.S., and comparative law.