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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

GraSPPers Voice

Life at Graduate School and Study Abroad

Kaori Kabata (from Japan) Class of 2017

When reflecting on the decision of whether or not to pursue a graduate degree, people inevitably dwell on the obstacles that they may encounter. I was no different. However, the support network and unparalleled excitement provided by graduate school make anything possible along this new journey. You join a family of incredibly diverse backgrounds and experiences, which creates a wonderful dynamic with those who share this same journey. I can’t emphasize the value of going back to school after a few years of working experience enough. Returning to school after working has the unique benefit of allowing you to decipher what you need and don’t need inside and outside the classroom. Needless to say, you will make life-long friends. Personally, my time in graduate school allowed me to build a network of inspiring people who I admire immensely.

GraSPP provides numerous opportunities to study abroad both short-term and long-term. For example, I participated in a long-term option through a double degree program with Columbia SIPA. Attending both schools allowed me to take advantage of the different opportunities that each school provides. Writing this reminded me of the excitement I embraced during my life in graduate school. It was the power and spirit of sharing and giving instilled upon myself and friends alike that motivated us to make better versions of ourselves and the world.