July 31, 2023
Viet Nam-Japan Policy Research Forum Workshop 2023 “Promoting Japan-Viet Nam Cooperation for Green Growth after the Pandemic”
Viet Nam-Japan Policy Research Forum Workshop 2023 “Promoting Japan-Viet Nam Cooperation for Green Growth after the Pandemic”
Enjoying the study of labour phenomena through a social science approach
Prof. Yee-Kuang Heng’s article “Japan’s energy security woes” was posted on East Asia Forum
Why is birth control pill usage so low in Japan? A quantitative study that illuminates the political interests of medical stakeholders
Prof. Naoko Munakata contributes to a series of Nihon Keizai Shimbun columns
The Strategic Communication Education and Research Unit (SCERU) was mentioned in the 29th EU-Japan Summit Joint Statement
Prof. Naomi Aoki and PhD student Melvin Tay’s paper has been accepted by Public Administration
Laos-Japan Policy Research Forum Workshop 2023 “Towards the Lao Model of Inclusive, Resilient and Sustainable Development”