February 15, 2019
14th ITPU Seminar “Rebuilding of “Tourism”: Aiming for Shin Tourism” was held on February 13, 2019
14th ITPU Seminar “Rebuilding of “Tourism”: Aiming for Shin Tourism” was held on February 13, 2019
【Registration is closed】Rebuilding of “Tourism”: Aiming for Shin Tourism
GraSPPers Visit Toyama City
Guest Speaker Seminar: 「Efforts of demand responsive transport by utilizing taxi vehicles – case study in Sanjo City, Niigata Prefecture」Kazuyuki Kobayashi, Director, Administration Division, Sanjo City, 「Public transport that supports life in hometown- Efforts by Yame City reserved type taxies in Fukuoka Prefecture-」Matsuo Kazuaki, Executive Director of Citizen Department, Yame City
Guest Speaker Seminar: 「Cultivating culture of taking buses in depopulated areas」Katsuhiro Tarumoto, Assistant Director, Community Promotion Department, Shiso City
Guest Speaker Seminar: 「Significance of existence of bus as public transport and wave of innovation」Jun Matsumoto, Group CEO, Michinori Holdings Inc.
Overcoming Challenges in a Complex World, Past, Present and Future
Guest Speaker Seminar: 「地域の交通を持続的に維持するために」北海道旅客鉄道株式会社取締役副社長 小山俊幸氏
Guest Speaker Seminar: 「地域社会で鉄道の果たしている役割」 えちぜん鉄道株式会社 専務取締役兼管理部長 伊東尋志氏
Guest Speaker Seminar: “How do we maintain and develop local public transport sustainably?” 両備グループ代表 兼 CEO、(一財)地域公共交通総合研究所 理事長 小嶋光信氏