August 4, 2020
Professor Yee-Kuang Heng was commissioned to contribute a chapter entitled “Small States” to the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies published by Oxford University Press
Professor Yee-Kuang Heng was commissioned to contribute a chapter entitled “Small States” to the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies published by Oxford University Press
As a part of MPP/IP and Campus Asia Family
Taking the next step in my career with GraSPP
青井千由紀教授が笹川平和財団 安全保障研究グループにおいて「防衛外交と戦略的コミュニケーション」と題する招聘講義を行いました
“MPP/IP revolutionized my life by deepening my views towards governance and public policy issues”
Associate Professor Taisuke Nakata’s article was published in Weekly Economist Online
Professor Akio Takahara’s article, “As US, China lock horns, Japan, others should think deeply about ways ahead” was published in the Mainichi Shimbun
Professor Yasutora Watanabe’s article was published in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun
青井千由紀教授が、国連UNHCR協会 (Japan for UNHCR)の理事に就任しました