May 15, 2020
New article posted on GraSPPers Voice
New article posted on GraSPPers Voice
Newsletter No. 58 (Japanese and English) published
The right balance between academic excellence and career development
Project Associate Professor Roberto Orsi’s column “Italy’s endgame and the future of the Eurozone” was posted. The LSE EUROPP Blog. April 22, 2020
GraSPP Doctoral Program Student’s “Interim Review” on 28 April 2020
A commentary by Professor Akio Takahara entitiled, “Japan-China Relations in the Heisei Era”was published on the website of the Japan Institute of International Affairs as part of its ‘Special Series: Trajectory of Heisei, way forward to Reiwa’, on 30 March
An interview with Professor Akio Takahara, entitled, “Postponement of President Xi Jinping’s Visit to Japan: An Opportunity to Review the Basic Principles in Japan-China Relations”, was published in the journal, Gaiko (Diplomacy), Vol.60, Mar./Apr. 2020
GraSPP Doctoral Program Student’s “Proposal Review” on 22 April 2020
Dean’s Greetings to New Students
[New: Student Activities Report] Ray Asada, a PhD candidate, was invited to present her paper at Yale University and UN New York