October 15, 2018
公共政策学教育部2017年度修了者の進路について Career path of students who graduated in AY2017
公共政策学教育部2017年度修了者の進路について Career path of students who graduated in AY2017
Professor Toshiro Nishizawa’s “Infrastructure Investment and Finance in Asia” was published in Public Policy Review
International Field Workshop Report
2020年度東京大学大学院公共政策学教育部専門職学位課程学生募集要項 専門科目試験の試験区分及び試験科目の変更について
Dean Akio Takahara’s article “Dissatisfaction with Xi Jinping’s Dominance of Power” was published in Weekly Toyo Keizai, September 15, 2018 (in Japanese)
International Field Workshop Report
Symposium “Perspective on the financial system and legal system in the new era” was held
Professor Yee-Kuang Heng presented a paper at the London School of Economics South-East Asia Forum, which is now available online at “Medium”