April 1, 2021
S1S2「Case Study (Development Economics and Policy I)」(5140790-1)
S1S2「Case Study (Development Economics and Policy I)」(5140790-1)
S1S2「国際金融・開発研究:経済学系(Advanced Development Microeconomics)」(5171029)
S1S2 Intensive「Social Design and Global Leadership」(5130230)
S1S2 Intensive「Case Study(Social Design and Management)」(5140743)
Call for Participants – CAMPUS Asia Joint Course: International Public Policy in East Asia Deadline: 4pm, Tuesday, April 6, 2021 JST
Deadlines/Event Dates April 6, 2021
UNU-IAS courses in the spring semester AY2021
Deadlines/Event Dates September 17, 2020
Call for participation as observers in “Case Study (International Field Workshop)” in A2 Intensive (5140730-2/5179004-2)
2nd TTPU Seminar ~ Approaches to Develop New Sustainable Mobility Solutions ~
経済政策コース入学予定者の皆さんへ ~必修3科目の準備について~