October 3, 2019
NOTICE: “Information Security Education” for students using the UTokyo computer services/ 情報システムを利用する学生を対象とする情報セキュリティ教育の実施
Deadlines/Event Dates October 31, 2019
NOTICE: “Information Security Education” for students using the UTokyo computer services/ 情報システムを利用する学生を対象とする情報セキュリティ教育の実施
Deadlines/Event Dates October 31, 2019
(REPOST) NOTICE: Medical Check-ups for Autumn 2019 Entry Students and Researchers
NOTICE: Tuition Payment for the autumn semester AY2019 / 授業料預金口座振替手続きをされている皆さんへ
NOTICE: Rules of GraSPP students’ space / GraSPP学生スペースの利用方法
Deadlines/Event Dates November 22, 2019
(REPOST) NOTICE: Electric power interruption on 22 Sept. / 停電のお知らせ(9月22日)
The first day of class for A1 and A1A2(9/18 updated)
Schedules for examinations of Faculty of Law
NOTICE: (REPOST) The University of Tokyo 2019 Autumn Semester Diploma Presentation Ceremony