August 27, 2019
NOTICE: Electric power interruption on 22 Sept. / 停電のお知らせ(9月22日)
Deadlines/Event Dates September 22, 2019
NOTICE: Electric power interruption on 22 Sept. / 停電のお知らせ(9月22日)
Deadlines/Event Dates September 22, 2019
NOTICE: Bloomberg is now available / Bloomberg端末の利用について
NOTICE: Periodic check of elevators / エレベーター点検のお知らせ
Deadlines/Event Dates September 6, 2019
(REPOST) NOTICE: Closing schedule of the Graduate School Office / 窓口業務の休止について
NOTICE: Medical Check-ups for Autumn 2019 Entry Students and Researchers
NOTICE: Cleanup Drive Announcement by the GraSPP Student Council / GraSPP学生自治会による清掃のお知らせ
Deadlines/Event Dates August 11, 2019
NOTICE: Rules of GraSPP students’ space / GraSPP学生スペースの利用方法
NOTICE: Fire inspection in GraSPP buildings / 消防用設備検査のお知らせ
CALL FOR PRESENTATION AT A WORKSHOP IN HANOI “How could Vietnam and Japan create mutual benefit?—Engendering Japan-Vietnam industrial cooperation through promoting technology transfer”
Deadlines/Event Dates September 6, 2019
Academic gown rental and purchase for the graduation ceremony in Sep., 2019