October 20, 2017
【CANCELLATION】防災訓練の実施について/Emergency drill on Mon. 23 Oct. 12:10pm
【CANCELLATION】防災訓練の実施について/Emergency drill on Mon. 23 Oct. 12:10pm
Note for students signed up for Medical checkup on Monday 23, October/秋季新入学生健康診断における台風の影響について
来週の台風接近に関する授業の休講措置について/Class Cancellation due to typhoon approaching next week
NOTICE: Influenza Vaccination / インフルエンザの予防接種について
防災訓練の実施について/Emergency drill on Mon. 23 Oct. 12:10pm
NOTICE: Removal and disposal of non-registered bikes, mopeds, and motorcycles / 放置自転車・原付及び自動二輪の撤去・処分について
Graduate School of Public Policy (GraSPP)- Overseas Exchange Program (Double Degree/Exchange): Call for application for AY2018 Graduate School of Public Policy – Overseas Exchange Program!
Repost: International Conferences Participation Grant Scheme in AY2017
ConferenceThe 57th TIEC Research and Presentation” at Tokyo International Exchange Center (TIEC)
NOTICE: Tuition Payment for the autumn semester AY2017 / 授業料預金口座振替手続きをされている皆さんへ (Re-posted)