May 25, 2021
【Repost】Call for Applications: Research Assistant Positions
Deadlines/Event Dates May 28, 2021
【Repost】Call for Applications: Research Assistant Positions
Deadlines/Event Dates May 28, 2021
NOTICE: “Information Security Education” for students using the UTokyo computer services
Deadlines/Event Dates June 10, 2021
NOTICE: Removal and disposal of non-registered bikes, mopeds, and motorcycles / 放置自転車・原付及び自動二輪の撤去・処分について
NOTICE: Temporary Suspension of UTokyo Account Authentication (May 20, 8:00PM-8:30PM)
(Partially Corrected)Call for Applications: Research Assistant Position
Voting Extended – AY2021/22 GraSPP Student Council Elections
Deadlines/Event Dates May 19, 2021
Requests from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government