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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

(REPOST)Lunch meeting with university students from the Philippines (Register by Apr 11!) April 10, 2019

Deadlines/Event Dates April 16, 2019

A study tour from the Philippines led by The Japan Foundation will visit GraSPP on Tuesday, April 16. The four university students are the winners of the essay contest on Japan-Philippines relationship. Why don’t you join the free lunch and exchange views with the group? Ms Tomoko Nakamura, a GraSPP alumnus of Year 2011, who is based in Manila and works for the Japan Foundation will come with them.


Date and time: 12:10-13:00 Tuesday, April 16

Venue: Meeting Room B, 12th floor, IAR building

Participants: Prof Toshiro Nishizawa, Ms Tomoko Nakamura etc.


If you are interested please register from below by Thursday, April 11 COB.
Open to GraSPP students only. Especially students from the Philippines and Japanese students are welcome!

Please register from here