Deadlines/Event Dates May 26, 2022
NOTICE: Tuition Payment for the spring semester AY2022
1. Withdrawal from a bank account
The tuition for the spring semester AY2022 will be withdrawn from your bank account on Friday, 27 May. Please be sure to credit enough money to your account by Thursday, 26 May.
The amount of the tuition for the spring semester AY2022 is as follows.
Graduate students (Professional Masters program) : 267,900 yen
Graduate students (PhD program) : 260,400 yen
*The tuition for students who enrolled in September before 2018 and will be graduating this year (excluding the students who has extended their enrollment period):
Professional Master’s program==>223,250 yen
PhD program==>217,000 yen
2. Applicants for tuition exemption
Students who have been awarded exemption for half the value of the tuition fees or have been declined exemption will be notified of the date for payment through our website, the UTokyo Academic affairs System (UTAS) or bulletin boards. Please make sure to credit your accounts with the corresponding amount by this date.
※Notification is expected to be around late July, but is subject to change.
3. Issuing a receipt
A record of the withdrawal of tuition fees will be made on the bank book of your designated account, but should you require a receipt from the university please apply for one online via UTAS. Please note that receipts will only be issued after June 6 (Mon).
*When you access to UTAS, your UTokyo account’s ID and password are required.