Information regarding online exam of the joint courses with School of Law and Faculty of Law, may be provided through UTAS. Please also check the bulletin board after logging in to UTAS.
As for the examinations and make-up lectures schedules of the joint courses with School of Law and Faculty of Law, please check each bulletin board and following Web sites.
Especially, please check the venues for examinations and the precautions each time. Be careful about the examination venues because it may be different from usual lecture rooms.
- School of Law Examination (in Japanese)
- School of Law Make-up lectures (in Japanese)
- Faculty of Law Examination (in Japanese)
- Faculty of Law Make-up lectures (in Japanese)
As for the examinations and makeup classes schedules of the joint courses with Faculty of Economics, please check the bulletin board of Faculty of Economics (on the 1st floor of Akamon General Research Bldg.)
Especially, please check the venues for examinations and the precautions each time.
- Faculty of Economics Examination
- Faculty of Economics Make-up lectures