June 3, 2020
Professor Jun Arima will talk about the energy outlook in the post pandemic world at the Japan Society UK webinar on June 4
Professor Jun Arima will talk about the energy outlook in the post pandemic world at the Japan Society UK webinar on June 4
Associate Professor Naomi Aoki’s article “Performance-based pay: Investigating its international prevalence in light of national contexts” co-authored with Rawat, S. was published in The American Review of Public Administration.
第6回金融資本市場のあり方に関する産官学フォーラム「ESG投資とフィデュシャ リー・デューティー」が開催され、その模様が月刊資本市場(2020年5月号)に掲載 されました(神作裕之教授、小野傑客員教授、大崎貞和客員教授、湯山智教特任教授)
飯塚敏晃教授が寄稿した『 エビデンスに基づく医療政策立案にむけたデータ整備の課題 』が医療経済研究 Vol.31 No.2 2019に掲載されました
An op-ed article by Professor Akio Takahara entitled, “Japan and China should Take Advantage of This Disaster” (in Japanese), was published in the Shinano Mainichi Shimbun, May 17, 2020
Professor Daiji Kawaguchi’s article “Introduction of Monetary Compensation for Unjust Dismissal is Necessary – Toward the Reform of Japanese Employment Practices” was published in Nihon Keizai Shimbun
Professor Yee-Kuang Heng and PhD candidate Nobuyuki Sakai contributed an article on Japan-EU Science Diplomacy to the Network on Research and Teaching in EU Foreign Affairs (Nortia) supported by the EU’s Erasmus+ Programme
Professor Akio Takahara took part in the interview program, “Nikkei Sunday Salon”, broadcast by BS TV Tokyo
Project Associate Professor Roberto Orsi’s column “Italy’s endgame and the future of the Eurozone” was posted. The LSE EUROPP Blog. April 22, 2020
A commentary by Professor Akio Takahara entitiled, “Japan-China Relations in the Heisei Era”was published on the website of the Japan Institute of International Affairs as part of its ‘Special Series: Trajectory of Heisei, way forward to Reiwa’, on 30 March