February 13, 2023
Professor Toshiro Nishizawa’s article titled “Challenging times ahead for Laos’s new prime minister” published by East Asia Forum
Professor Toshiro Nishizawa’s article titled “Challenging times ahead for Laos’s new prime minister” published by East Asia Forum
Prof. Mayo Mieno’s dialogue was published in the Tokyo Koutsu Shimbun
Professor Hitoshi Shigeoka has joined the editorial boards of American Economic Journal: Economic Policy and Journal of Health Economics
Prof. Naomi Aoki has joined the editorial board of Public Administration Review
Prof. Kensuke Yamaguchi and students of “Marine Science and Technology Policy” translated a publication entitled World Ocean Review
Professor Kazuto Suzuki’s dialogue article about the risks of conflict between the U.S. and China was published in Forbes Japan
Professor Yasutora Watanabe was awarded The JEA Ishikawa Prize
Professor Kazuto Suzuki’s book chapter titled “Japan’s Technology Policy in the Context of U.S.-China Rivalry” was published in CSIS’s edited volume, Toward a U.S.-Japan Technology Alliance
Professor Yee-Kuang Heng’s book chapter titled “Japan’s Role in Gulf Security” was published in the edited volume, Asian Perceptions of Gulf Security (Routledge)
Professor Daiji Kawaguchi’s co-authored paper entitled “Robots and Employment: Evidence from Japan, 1978-2017” has been accepted by Journal of Labor Economics