GraSPP signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) for an MA-level double degree programme, effective immediately, with the Department of War Studies, King’s College London (KCL), a globally recognized programme on war studies based in London, the United Kingdom. GraSPP and KCL will administer the MA-level double degree programme, which is designed to enhance educational opportunities at the graduate level, adding to the existing Memorandum of Understanding between the two institutions to enhance knowledge–sharing and joint–research activities of mutual interest through PhD-level student and faculty exchanges. For GraSPP, this is a new addition to a range of double-degree programmes existing with 5 universities belonging to the Global Public Policy Network, GPPN. The double-degree agreement with KCL, the first for GraSPP that is focused on the field of international security, will further internationalize and invigorate its research and education on international security affairs. Recruitment of double-degree students will begin in Fall 2021.
KCL was ranked 35th (in The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2021), and its war studies programme is especially internationally renowned, with 14 concentrations and a distinguished teaching faculty of 95. Its research has long provided intellectual backbone for policy makers and practitioners in the UK/Europe and globally for international foreign and defence policies. In the signing ceremony held on 7 July 2021, Dr. ‘Funmi Olonisakin mentioned that the KCL programme is already highly international by design, and the double degree programme with GraSPP will further enhance that tradition to bring it in tune with the heightening importance of Asia.

Professor ‘Fumni Olonisakin and Professor Hiroshi Ohashi

Professor Hiroshi Ohashi and Professor Frans Berkhout