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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

西沢利郎教授が寄稿した「ラオスが債務不履行に陥らない理由」が東アジア・フォーラムに掲載されました 2022年08月26日(金)


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Professor Toshiro Nishizawa’s article titled “Claims of default in Laos are bankrupt” was published by East Asia Forum.

Laos faces unprecedented financial difficulties, including US$14.5 billion worth of public and publicly guaranteed debt—around half of which is owed to China. But unlike Sri Lanka, there is no chance that Laos will default on its external debt obligations. China, its largest creditor and politicalally, will not let Laos default. Strong China–Laos relations mean that the debt trap narrative is not accurate. China’s experience as a major international creditor, and a sense of urgency within Laos itself, will be what determines whether or not Laos successfully navigates its severe economic and financial situation.

Professor Nishizawa’s research fields include financing for development, Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs), sovereign debt, and debt sustainability issues.