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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

2024年度秋の学位授与式を執り行いました 2024年09月20日(金)


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The GraSPP Autumn diploma presentation ceremony AY2024 took place on Friday, September 20, at the SMBC Academia Hall in the International Academic Research Building.
63 students have conferred the diploma this September.

The diploma was presented by the Dean of the Graduate School of Public Policy, who congratulated them on completing the program together with the GraSPP staff.

The commendation ceremony for high-achieving graduates was also held. The Best Performance Award was presented to one student in the PhD program and one in the Master’s program respectively.

Dean’s message to graduate students

Distinguished Graduates, Esteemed Parents, Respected Advisors, and Honored Guests,

To all of you who are receiving your degrees today, congratulations. Your hard work have brought you to this milestone.

To the parents and families of our graduates, I extend my heartfelt thanks. Your support and encouragement have been indispensable for our students to succeed.

To the advisors and faculty members, I express my deep appreciation. Your guidance and expertise have shaped the graduates into the critical thinkers, leaders, and policy innovators.

As graduates of the Graduate School of Public Policy, you are entering a world where the demand for knowledge in public policy is critical. Whether you choose to pursue careers in the public sector or the private sector, the importance of deep knowledge in public policy is indispensable.

A few days ago, we hosted a symposium on energy policy, bringing together global experts to explore pathways to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. From technological innovations to geopolitical considerations, the discussions highlighted the fact that addressing complex societal challenges requires diverse perspectives and collaborative efforts. As we saw in that symposium, the interplay between public policy and business is evident—policy environments shape the strategic decisions of private firms, especially in fields like green transformation.

As graduates of this institution, you have been equipped not only with knowledge but also with the skills to approach issues from multiple angles and to contribute to meaningful change. The work you do in the coming years will have an impact not just on your career but on society at large.

I also want to take a moment to reflect on a special milestone. This year, the Graduate School of Public Policy celebrates its 20th anniversary. Over the past two decades, we have grown into a global hub for thought leadership and policy innovation, and we are incredibly proud of the legacy that our graduates continue to build. As we mark this anniversary, I sincerely hope many of you will join us for our homecoming event, where we can come together once again to celebrate the continued success of our community.

Graduates, as you step into the next chapter of your lives, remember that the knowledge you’ve gained here is not just for personal achievement, but for the betterment of society. Use it to challenge the status quo, to foster innovation, and to lead with integrity.

And one final thought: As graduates of GraSPP, I encourage you always to pay close attention to the evolving news of Japan. Whether through a critical or friendly lens, a deep understanding of our society is an indispensable asset—not only for your personal growth but for the continued progress of this country. Japan, like all nations, needs informed, thoughtful citizens and leaders who can navigate its complexities with care, intelligence, and insight.

Congratulations once again, and may your future be filled with success and fulfillment.

Daiji Kawaguchi
Graduate School of Public Policy