AY2019 GraSPP Autumn Diploma Presentation Ceremony
AY2019 GraSPP Autumn Diploma Presentation Ceremony
有馬教授が共同執筆者になっている「Finding a Viable Path to Reducing GHG Emissions」がKing Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center(KAPSARC)から発表されました
PhD candidate Quentin Verspieren published an article co-authored with Prof Hideaki SHIROYAMA in the peer-reviewed academic journal Space Policy (Elsevier)
鎌江伊三夫教授が執筆した「Health Technology Assessment in Japan」 (Springer/Adis)が出版されました
Project Associate Professor Roberto Orsi’s article “On the Relevance of Carl Schmitt’s Concept of Großraum in Contemporary International Politics” was posted. The Journal of International Political Theory September 12, 2019
渡辺安虎教授が寄稿した「宝の山 行政データを掘り起こせ」が『日本経済新聞2019年8月30日付電子版』に掲載されました
2020 GraSPP Enrollment information session in Tashkent (9/15), Bishkek (9/19) and Almaty (9/21)-Scholarship Opportunities for Broadening Your Career Horizons with Master of Public Policy Int’l Program-