“Life at an IFI: Understanding, Designing and Debating Macroeconomic Policy”
Please be informed that an intensive course “Life at an IFI: Understanding, Designing and Debating Macroeconomic Policy” will be offered as scheduled from July 31 to August 8 by Jerald Schiff & Toshiro Nishizawa. Students who are interested to take this course are asked to contact Nishizawa by sending e-mail at <tnishizawa[at]pp.u-tokyo.ac.jp> by Thursday, June 1. A set of information materials will be provided before the registration period for S2 courses (June 5 to 8). Please find attached an updated course syllabus with the detailed course schedule.
Monday, July 31, Period 3
Tuesday, August 1, Period 2 & Period 3
Wednesday, August 2, Period 2 & Period 3
Thursday, August 3, Period 2 & Period 3
Friday, August 4, Period 2 & Period 3
Monday, August 7, Period 2 & Period 3
Tuesday, August 8, Period 2 & Period 3
Course Outline:
This course will provide students with an overview of the work undertaken at an international financial institution such as the IMF. Lectures will analyze macro- economic linkages and use this framework to discuss prominent issues facing the global economy. The role of global financial institutions, in particular the IMF, will be considered. Students will take part in a mock IMF consultation with country authorities, produce policy memos, and engage in practice job interviews for a position at the IMF. There will be an opportunity for one-on-one consultation before the completion of each assignment.