締切日/開催日 2020年02月20日(木)
Call for Application: the UN World Food Programme “Summer Internship Programme 2020”
The Programme and Policy Development Department (PD) of the UN World Food Programme (WFP) has launched the call for applications for the 2020 PD summer internships.
The vacancy announcements for 21 internship positions are now available online.
GraSPP has also been invited to the programme from this year. If you would like to join the internship, please read through the related links and apply for it through the UN WFP website.
Call for Applications: from 14 January to 12 February 2020
Screening and Selection/Offer Process: to be finalized by End of March 2020
Onboarding process including the issuance of a contract and visa: from April through May
WFP Vacancy Announcments for PD Summer Internship Programme 2020 (PDF, 96KB)