締切日/開催日 2020年02月28日(金)
Call for Applications: Research Assistant Positions
Research Assistant System at The University of Tokyo aims to promote effective research activities, to create an enabling research environment and to develop young researchers’ capabilities by making doctoral students with superior academic abilities and performance engaged in various research and research-related activities.
In pursuit of the same aim, Graduate School of Public Policy gives its doctoral students with superior academic abilities and performance an opportunity to be engaged in the GraSPP Research Seminar Program (GReSP) as Research Assistants (RAs).
The GReSP provides a venue where GraSPP faculty members, visiting researchers and invited speakers share their cutting-edge research work on public policy and related topics with broader academic and policy communities.
GraSPP invites doctoral students enrolled in GraSPP to apply for Research Assistant positions as follows.
Full-time doctoral students enrolled in GraSPP doctoral program
Term of appointment
Six months (April 2020 – September 2020)
RAs are required to contribute to the successful implementation of the GReSP by all levels of work in collaboration with faculty members and staff in charge. Expected work includes but not limited to:
-Preparation for the seminar
-Support the seminar operation on the day
-Maintain and update of the GReSP mailing list
-Making records of events
-Other related work
40,000 yen / month
Paid in accordance with the rules and regulations set by GraSPP.
Please note that the amount of withholding tax will be deducted from each payment.
Number of RAs to be appointed in the same term
Documents to be submitted
An applicant is required to submit a research work plan (Form 1, 36KB in Excel format).
Prior to submission, please obtain your main supervisor’s approval.
Application Deadline
Friday, February 28
Submit to
GraSPP Graduate School Office by e-mail (ppin[at]j.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
GraSPP’s Research Promotion Committee will evaluate the work plan and select RAs. Selection result will be announced in the middle of March.
For your reference, information on the GraSPP Research Seminar Program(GReSP) is available from the following link: