Internship: Procedures for Registration and Application for Course credits for Internship
The following states the procedures for the registration and application for one credit for Practical Training Course “Internship” (Course code: 5139000):
- Students who are going to do an internship for one week or more at public policy related organizations such as government agencies, municipal bodies, NPO or private institutions can register the “Internship” and apply for one credit.
- Students can register the “Internship” and apply for one credit anytime at the Graduate School Office.
- At least one week before the start of the internship, get approval from an academic instructor and submit “Internship Application Form” with his/her signature or stamp to the GraSPP Graduate School Office.
- Within one week after the completion of the internship, ask the academic instructor to evaluate “Internship Report Form”.
- After the evaluation, submit the report with the academic instructor’s signature or stamp to the GraSPP Graduate School Office.
* As for the academic instructor, please refer to the following “List of Academic Instructors” (excepted part-time lecturer) and contact him/her by yourself based on the content of the internship.
* Students can only obtain a maximum of one credit for internship participation in the entire course of study at GraSPP.
- List of Academic Instructors (excepted part-time lecturer)
- Internship Application Form(Word,21KB)
- Internship Report Form(Word,21KB)
- 公共政策に関わる政府、地方自治体、NPO、民間等の機関において1週間以上のインターンシップに参加する場合、履修登録を行い、1単位を修得することができます。
- 履修登録は公共政策大学院係で随時行っています。
- 単位の認定を求める学生は「インターンシップ申請書」に必要事項を記入し、担当教員の了解を得た上で、実施期間開始1週間前までに公共政策学務チームへ提出してください。.
- インターンシップ終了後、1週間以内に「インターンシップ実施報告書」を作成し、担当教員に評価を依頼してください。
- 評価を受けた後、「インターンシップ実施報告書」を公共政策学務チームに提出してください。
- 教員紹介ページ(※非常勤講師を除く)
- インターンシップ申請書(Word,21KB)
- インターンシップ実施報告書(Word,21KB)