締切日/開催日 2022年11月27日(日)
Call for Application
GraSPP Policy Challenge 2022
Can you propose workable solutions to important public policy problems?
Can you apply your analytical skills to solve a policy issue?
Do you want to showcase your idea during an international conference?
Do you want to meet creative students from all around the world?
GraSPP Policy Challenge (GPC) offers a unique opportunity to students from diverse background to collaborate and seek to improve their teambuilding and policy-making skills. Participants are tasked with responding to pressing real-world policy challenges as a group, and with designing policies and proposals in response to those challenges.
All Master‘s students at GraSPP and/or STIG are strongly encouraged to apply. Finalist groups will be ultimately invited to present at the GPPN Annual Conference 2023 hosted by FGV-EAESP in São Paulo in March 2023.
‘Policy challenges in an ever more divided world’
Recent electoral results across the world reveal an unprecedented degree of polarization and radicalization. As politics moves from uneasy cooperation to brazen contention, policy formulation and implementation become increasingly challenging. How to think of evidence-based policies in countries divided along value and information lines? Most importantly, how can policies help keep societies together, overcome deep political cleavages, and build lasting consensus? We are looking for creative solutions for policymakers and governments in areas as diverse as education, climate change, poverty alleviation, food security, minority rights, healthcare, public security, access to information, energy, among others.
The Challenge:
In this context, we invite students to work on an important policy challenge in any field identified as contentious in today’s divided societies, looking into viable paths for consensus-building and evidence-based policies. Proposals can incorporate public, private or hybrid approaches as appropriate.
We are looking for student presentations on public policy proposals that demonstrate:
- A precise identification and analysis of an important and pressing public policy problem; this precise analysis of the problem will need to be clear prior to discussion of any possible solutions
- A strong use of analytics and empirics and how these can be applied to inform a solution to the public policy problem identified
- An astute understanding of how policy solutions can be implemented given the interests of the policy actors in the chosen context
- A clear awareness of when similar solutions have been tried in the past, why they were successful or amended in order to be successful in the future.
To apply:
Please read the Application Guideline carefully and apply from here by 27 November. Students should form teams between 3 and 5 members and work together to develop their proposals. Each member should only participate in 1 team. The group must consist of 3-5 Master’s students who are currently enrolled in GraSPP and/or STIG.
You may also apply individually and leave GraSPP to find your teammates. The groups and advisors will be announced by 29 November.
Schedule (TBC):
27 November: Application deadline
29 November: Briefing Session
6-12 December: A2 Course Registration
19-22 December (TBC): Presentation Screening – Selection of the GPPN Conference participants & Announcement of Finalists
31 January 2023: Deadline for submission of PPT slides and a final policy proposal
Mid-February (TBC): Presentation Rehearsal (*GPPN Conference participants only)
4-5 March: GPPN Conference 2023 in São Paulo
This project is conducted as Case Study course “GraSPP Policy Challenge – Global Innovative Public Policy Solutions” (5140735) in A2. Those who complete all the requirements will be able to earn 2 credits. (Grades: Pass/Fail)
Course registration is required separately to earn credits, which will be done by GraSPP Office, not via UTAS. Students willing to participate in the course must pre-register via online registration form.
This course can be taken repeatedly and counted as up to 4 credits.
Programme Coordinator – Aoi Ohno < ppsupport.j[at]gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp > (replace [at] with @)