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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

Basic information about TA ※Repost 2024/7/9 July 9, 2024

This notification is for -Those who are going to work as TA -Those who are considering to apply for TA positions [Basic Information about TA]

1.Maximum working hours

(1) Maximum working hours depend on credits of the course

-Course with 1 credit: 21 hours -Course with 2 credits: 42 hours -Course with 4 credits: 70 hours

(2) Courses listed in Table 1 or Table 2 are different as follows                                                

-Courses listed in Table 1: 112 hours -Courses listed in Table 2: 70 hours

 Please refer to Table 1 and 2 here. 

(3) Note that some courses may differ from the rules above. Please confirm with the lecturer.

2.TA’s salary per hour

(1) TA’s salary per hour depends on the course you are enrolled in.

– Master’s/professional master’s degree students: 1,300 yen per hour – Doctoral students: 1,500 yen per hour

 (2) For duties adjunct to the courses listed on Table 1which requires advanced skillssalary is as below.

– Master’s/professional master’s degree students: 1,500 yen per hour – Doctoral students: 1,700 yen per hour

 TA appointed to the courses listed on Table 1 shall be called a Teaching Fellow.

 3.To apply for TA

When a lecturer calls for TA, recruitment notice will be posted on student bulletin board.

4.Application procedure to become TA

Procedures by both lecturers and students are required. When a lecturer completes the procedure, student will receive an email from GraSPP Office. Please follow the instructions written in the email and complete your procedure as soon as possible.