GraSPP オンラインリサーチセミナー “グローバリズム下の世界と漂流する通貨たち “ 講師:岩村充
GraSPP オンラインリサーチセミナー “グローバリズム下の世界と漂流する通貨たち “ 講師:岩村充
GraSPP Research Seminar Series/ SSU Forum “China’s Approach to Eurasia: Its Visions and Impact“ January 7, 2020 10:30-12:00
GraSPP Research Seminar Series/ SSU Forum “Atomic Assurance: The Alliance Politics of Nuclear Proliferation” November 18, 2019 10:30-12:00
GraSPP Research Seminar Series/ SSU Forum “Asia’s Preferential Trade and Investment Partnerships in the post-TPP Era” November 27, 2019 10:30-12:00
GraSPP Research Seminar Series “Denmark and Japan: Burden-sharing and Upholding the rules-based system?”
(Venue changed) GraSPP Research Seminar / “UN Peace Operations: Today and Tomorrow”
GraSPP Research Seminar/ “UN Sanctions and the DPRK“ Mr. Alastair Morgan, CMG
GraSPP Research Seminar / “Days of Future Past? UK Defence in the Indo-Pacific after Brexit”, Dr. Alessio Patalano
IFI and GraSPP Research Seminar “WTO Reform?” (*extended by 30 minutes: 10:00-12:00)
GraSPP Research Seminar ”米中対立ー習近平政権の行方?” 報告者:大橋英夫、諏訪一幸、菱田雅晴