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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

Lectures by senior management of the World Bank: “Development Operations of the World Bank Group” May 24, 2019

Guest Speaker Seminar

Don’t miss the lectures by senior management of the World Bank!


My name is Hiroshi Naka. I am Professor of the Institute of Future Initiatives, University of Tokyo and teach “Operations of the World Bank Group” at GRASPP.


This class consists of 13 lectures, five of which will be taught by senior management of the World Bank. They teach from Washington DC or Singapore through web.  The five lectures cover development projects in East and South Asia, projects of climate change and investments in human capital, and the challenges in fragile and conflict states.


These lectures are not limited to the registered students of GraSPP but are open to any students including undergraduate students of U-Tokyo and other universities. The target audience is those who are interested in working for the World Bank or in the development projects in the future.


If you want to listen to a lecture/lectures, please register at the link below for each lecture.


I hope you will be enjoying the lecture(s). Please don’t miss this precious opportunity for you!


  • If you are a GraSPP student and have completed course registration, you don’t need to register these five lectures.


First lecture: 8:30 am – 10:15 am, Friday, May 24

“Operations in South Asia Region” by Hartwig Shafer, Vice President, SARSouth Asia Region

Venue: Lecture Hall B (414), 4th floor, International Academic Research Building

Open the link to register:


Second lecture: 8:30 am – 10:15 am, Friday, May 31

“The World Bank: Helping Countries Achieve Development Results and Impact in Challenging Environments” by Manuela V. Ferro, Vice President, OPCS (Operations Policy and Country Services)

 Venue: Lecture Hall B (414), 4th floor, International Academic Research Building

Open the link to register:


Third lecture: 11:00 am – 12:45 pm, Friday, June 7   Please be advised that the time and venue of this lecture is not the same as other lectures.

“Operations in East Asia and Pacific” by Victoria Kwakwa, Vice President, EAPEast Asia and Pacific)

Venue: Seminar Room E, 12th Floor, International Academic Research Building

Open the link to register:


Fourth lecture: 8:30 am – 10:15 am, Friday, June 14

“Climate Change” by Marcelo Mena, Practice Manager, Climate Change Group, SDSustainable Development(Former Minister for Environment, Chile)

Venue: Lecture Hall B (414), 4th floor, International Academic Research Building

Open the link to register:


Fifth lecture: 8:30 am – 10:15 am, Friday, June 28

“Investments in Human Capital (Health, Education, etc.) by Annette Dickson, Vice President, HD (Human Development

Venue: Lecture Hall B (414), 4th floor, International Academic Research Building

Open the link to register:



You can find the International Academic Research Building in the following link (No. 40 of the map


The schedule may change. The change will be announced to your email address registered.


Contact: Hiroshi