December 26, 2023
16:50-18:35 / 国際学術総合研究棟 SMBCアカデミアホール
Hitachi-UTokyo Lab:Workshop on “Mission Oriented Innovation Policy and Climate Change”
History and Prospects of U.S. Diplomacy and Foreign Policy
Guest Speaker Seminar with Mr. Hiroshi MAJIMA, Toyota financial Services Corporation and Toyota Motor Corporation, Mr. So MATSUKI, Nishi-Nippon Railroad Co., Ltd, Mr. Takatomo KINOSHITA, Kyushu Economic Federation
The 11th Health Technology Assessment International Symposium
“COVID-19 Lessons: Value-assessment approach”
Technological trajectories: Antecedents predicting their diffusion over time and space
Launch Symposium on the latest OECD PISA results in Asia
[REPOST]Adapting to a rapidly changing international environment – Challenges and opportunities as seen from OECD