October 17, 2017
10:00-12:00,, Seminar Room E, #1222, International Academic Research Building
Joint Seminar on Green Economy with Chinese Academy of Social Sciences(CASS)
Joint Seminar on Green Economy with Chinese Academy of Social Sciences(CASS)
AY2018 Exchange and Double Degree Programs Information Session
第60回STIG PoPセミナー:Pイノベーション―リン循環産業ビジョンとバリューチェーン
第59回 STIG PoPセミナー:最近の米国における医療政策の動向
The 94th GSDM Platform Seminar
第58回 STIG PoPセミナー:The role of the IAEA in the development of nuclear law
Guest Speaker Seminar : “US Energy and Climate Policy and its implications under Donald Trump” by Ms. Jane Nakano, Senior Fellow, Energy and National Security Program, Centre for Strategic International Studies (CSIS)
Guest Speaker Seminar: 「観光先進国を目指して~我が国の課題と政策の方向性~」(観光庁 田村明比古長官)
第87回公共政策セミナー 「世界経済と日本の将来構想:我々一人ひとりの役割」