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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

Career paths of students who graduated in AY2021 June 3, 2022

Career paths of students who graduated in AY2021

* 就職者には復職者を含む。The number of “Employment” includes a number of graduates who returned to their former place of work.

* 調査の対象は2021年8月、9月及び2022年3月修了者。This survey coveres students who graduated in Aug/Sept 2021 and Mar 2022.

就職 Employment 73
就職準備 Job Hunting 12
進学・進学準備 Continuing Education 9
未定・その他 Other than Employment or Education 8
Total 102
業種別内訳 ”Employment” category
官公庁(国内) Civil Service (Japan – government official) 12
官公庁(海外) Civil Service (Foreign countries) 12
独立行政法人 Independent administrative agency 1
金融(国内) Financial Industry  (Japan) 4
金融(海外) Financial Industry  (Foreign countries) 8
コンサルティング Consulting 15
シンクタンク Think Tank 1
情報通信業 Information and Communication 4
製造業 Manufacturing 6
保険業 Insurance Industries 3
小売・卸売業 Retailing 1
サービス業 Service Industries 2
研究機関 Research Institution 1
学校・教育関連 Educational Services 3
就職先内訳 ”Employment” details
