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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

Dr. Zheng HAN, an alumnus of GraSPP, and Hongtao LI, a Ph.D. student at GraSPP, co-authored a paper entitled “Transporation Infrastructure and Trade,” which has been accepted by Japan & the World Economy November 25, 2022

Education , Alumni , Research

Dr. Zheng HAN, an alumnus of GraSPP, and Hongtao LI, a Ph.D. student at GraSPP, co-authored a paper entitled “Transporation Infrastructure and Trade,” which has been accepted by a journal, Japan & the World Economy.

Zheng HAN has got a Ph.D. at GraSPP and is now working at Bay Area International Business School, Beijing Normal University as an assistant professor.


This paper offers a variant of the Ricardian model able to structurally interpret the estimate of country specific variable—transportation infrastructure. Guided by this new theoretical framework, this paper shows that transportation infrastructure enhances international trade more than internal trade. Further quantitative analysis suggests 10% increase in transportation infrastructure induces 3.9% increase in real income and more than 95% of the gains concentrate on the infrastructure improving country. This paper also suggests that transportation infrastructure improvement increases real income mostly through internal trade cost reduction. All the above results suggest that better infrastructure leads to sizable gains providing additional empirical support to policies aiming to improve transportation infrastructure.

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