Deadlines/Event Dates May 28, 2023
Application for Summer Internship offered to GraSPP students is now open.
Please check the internship information sheets of each institution from the link below.
- GR Japan K.K (information sheet) (website)
- Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) (information sheet) (website)
- Nihon Keizai Shimbun (information sheet) (website)
- Music Securities (information sheet) (website)
- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (information sheet) (website)
1. Application
a) Application Form
b) CV (with your photo)
c) Cover Letter for each institution
Submit application documents to:
Title: Summer Internship Application 2023
2. Deadline
May 28, 2023
3. Important notice for scholars
a) World Bank scholars are only allowed to apply for an unpaid internship and need to notify the World Bank by sending information on the internship to JJ/WBGSP email address.
b) ADB scholars need to notify the ADB by a letter with information on the internship through GraSPP Office before applying for the internship and obtain permission from the ADB first.
c) IMF scholars are only allowed to apply for an unpaid internship with approval both from their sponsoring agency and GraSPP before application.
d) JDS scholars need to consult with JICE for the procedure before starting the internship.
e) JICA scholars are only allowed to apply for an unpaid internship and need to receive approval from the faculty member in charge and share information with JICA.
4. Interview
An interview with faculty member(s) will be arranged in mid-June and GraSPP will recommend the shortlisted applicants to each institution for the final selection.
The result will be announced by email.
5. Others
-For your information, please check through the to-do list after you get shortlisted as a GraSPP intern.
-Please note that the intern positions listed above are not guaranteed.
-If you would like to know past interns’ records, please check the internship reports posted on the website from the related link below, or come to see them at my office at IAR 1314 (weekdays 9 am-5 pm).
Internship Reports
Inquiries to: Ms. Atsuko Yaoya (