June 3, 2019
Vice Dean Hiroshi Ohashi’s article “Big Tech Firms and Competition Policy: Need for New Rules in Digital Transactions” was posted. The Nikkei May 15, 2019
Vice Dean Hiroshi Ohashi’s article “Big Tech Firms and Competition Policy: Need for New Rules in Digital Transactions” was posted. The Nikkei May 15, 2019
Dean Akio Takahara discussed Japan-China relations in the CGTN news programme, World Insight, which was broadcast on May 16, 2019
Dean Akio Takahara’s article “Let us support the Japan – China youth Exchange Programme” was posted. Shinano Mainichi Shimbun, May 12, 2019
Professor Yee-Kuang Heng’s article “Unravelling the War on Terrorism” has been selected as part of a collection to mark the 50th Anniversary Golden Jubilee of the leading peer-reviewed journal, Security Dialogue
Professor Chiyuki Aoi gave a lecture at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (Oslo) on the new National Defense Program Guidelines (April 25, 2019)
Professor Yee-Kuang Heng was invited to speak at a conference organised by the Honolulu-based think-tank Pacific Forum
An interview article by Professor Chiyuki Aoi was published in “The Economist” (April 17, 2019)
“Issues and Discussions on the Use of AI in Financial Transactions” on Weekly Kinyuu Zaisei Jijo by Professors Ono, Osaki and Yuyama
Dean Akio Takahara gave a lecture at Keidanren Kaikan (March 11, 2019)
Dean Akio Takahara’s article was posted in the Japan Institute of International Affairs (March 20, 2019)