May 9, 2024
Professor Masaki Taniguchi’s article about the Political Fund Investigation was published in the Yomiuri Shimbun
Professor Masaki Taniguchi’s article about the Political Fund Investigation was published in the Yomiuri Shimbun
楡井誠教授のレポート『人口減少下の日本経済と財政の長期展望 2060年の家計の姿を描く』が総合研究開発機構にて掲載されました
Professor Toshiro Nishizawa’s article was published on südostasien, a German open-access journal
Professor Yasutora Watanabe’s article was posted on the Nihon Keizai Shimbun
Professor Naoko Munakata contributed to the AJISS-Commentary: Navigating through Turbulence: Taking a Multi-track Approach to Safeguard the Rules-based Order
Underground Empire: How America Weaponized the World Economy has been translated in Japanese with commentary by Professor Kazuto Suzuki (in Japanese)
Professor Kazuto Suzuki’s article was published in the journal, Koken (in Japanese)
Prof. Naomi Aoki, PhD student Melvin Tay and Prof. Masaru Yarime contributed to the new book Research Handbook on Public Management and Artificial Intelligence
Professor Hitoshi Shigeoka’s co-authored paper “Seasonal allergies and accidents” was featured as an opinion piece of IZA World of Labor