GraSPP Doctoral Program Student’s “Proposal Review”
As a part of PhD thesis assessments, GraSPP Doctoral Program students deliver research presentation on their proposal of research concept and plan, called “Proposal Review”.
Process for awarding a PhD degree
We are pleased to announce that the student’s “Proposal Review” will be held as follows.
- Date & Time: 1:00pm-, Tuesday, 9th February, 2021
* The review will be conducted online due to the temporary campus closure.
Zheng HAN
“Transportation, Infrastructure and Trade”
GraSPP Doctoral Program Student’s “Final Review”
As a part of PhD thesis assessments, GraSPP Doctoral Program students who submit a thesis conduct “Final Review” (Final Oral Examination).
Process for awarding a PhD degree
We are pleased to announce that the student’s “Final Review” will be held as follows.
- Date & Time: 2:55pm-, Friday, 12th February, 2021
* The review will be conducted online due to the temporary campus closure.
“Understanding excess volatility of consumption in commodity-dependent countries: The case of force of the trend shocks in Mongolia”
- Date & Time: 4:50pm-, Wednesday, 17th February, 2021
* The review will be conducted online due to the temporary campus closure.
“Essays on Housing and Macroeconomics”