Project Associate Professor Roberto Orsi’s column “Italy’s endgame and the future of the Eurozone” was posted in The LSE EUROPP Blog
Project Associate Professor Roberto Orsi’s column “Italy’s endgame and the future of the Eurozone” was posted in The LSE EUROPP Blog
GraSPP Doctoral Program Student’s “Interim Review” on 28 April 2020
高原明生教授のコメンタリー“Japan-China Relations in the Heisei Era”が’Special Series: Trajectory of Heisei, way forward to Reiwa’の一環として日本国際問題研究所のウエブサイト上に発表されました。(2020年3月30日)
高原明生教授とのインタビュー、「習近平主席訪日延期 日中の基本原則を捉え直す機会に」が『外交』Vol.60, Mar./Apr. 2020に掲載されました
GraSPP Doctoral Program Student’s “Proposal Review” on 22 April 2020
[New: Student Activities Report] Ray Asada, a PhD candidate, was invited to present her paper at Yale University and UN New York
Professor Yee-Kuang Heng commented on the postponement of the Tokyo Olympics for The Straits Times
Ray Asada, a PhD candidate, was invited to present her research at Development Policy Seminar Series, United Nations, New York, USA on March 8 2020