February 3, 2020
Result of PhD Document Screening of AY2020/2021 (the first recruitment)
Result of PhD Document Screening of AY2020/2021 (the first recruitment)
Experts discussed industrial cooperation through technology transfer at GraSPP-CIEM Policy Research Forum in Hanoi
渡辺安虎教授が共著した論文”Voter turnout and preference aggregation” (joint with Kei Kawai and Yuta Toyama) がAmerican Economic Journal: Microeconomicsにアクセプトされました
Professor Yee-Kuang Heng commented on Japan’s infrastructure projects for an article “Money for the Mekong” published in the Indo-Pacific Defense Forum (Vol. 44 Issue 3, November 2019)
Professors Chiyuki Aoi and Yee-Kuang Heng published a book chapter titled “The Asia Pacific region and international peace support” in The SAGE Handbook of Asian Foreign Policy
Professor Yee-Kuang Heng presented a paper titled “Upholding the maritime order and mutual strategic reassurance in UK-Japan relations” at the The First International Workshop by The Informal Empire Research Project. organised by Tohoku University
Dean Akio Takahara published an article titled “China’s Belt and Road Initiative” in Diplomatic Strategy and World Order: Ideas, policy and Local Perspectives, co-edited with Shin Kawashima, Mitsugu Endo, Yasuhiro Matsuda, Showado, 2020
Dean Akio Takahara’s essay “Episodes about China I Saw and Heard During My Trips Abroad” was published in the journal, Koken (Vol. 57, No.12 (Vol. 676), issued on December, 2019)