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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

Sat. October 15, 2016 “GraSPP Alumni & Student Day 2016” October 15, 2016

Homecoming Day , Alumni

“GraSPP Alumni & Student Day 2016”


Date & Time: Saturday, October 15 15:00-18:00
Venue: Room 201, School of Law Bldg., Hongo Campus,
The University of Tokyo MAP(PDF: 821kb) (Map No.36)
Language: Part1: Japanese / Part2: English
Hosted by: GraSPP, GraSPP Alumni Association (Tatsuoka kai: 龍岡会)

    Register here

■Part1: Lecture talk and panel discussion (in Japanese)
“Social security & Medical care ×ICT”
Could ICT be a silver bullet to cut the cost of social security and medical care?
Lecture talk 1
・Toshiaki Iizuka (Dean of GraSPP/ Professor, Graduate School of Economics)
Lecture talk 2
・Takayuki Ueki (Deputy Director, Health Industries Division, METI)
Panel discussion with
・Akio Kurokawa (Associate Fellow, Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society(RISTEX), Japan Science and Technology Agency(JST) / Visiting Researcher, GraSPP, Class of 2011 GraSPP)
・Takuma Tabata (Librarian, National Diet Library, Class of 2015 GraSPP)

■Part2: Talk Session (in English)
“Career Planning for GraSPPers”
Introduction of international network of GraSPP Alumni and discussion of career planning.
Report of International GraSPPers
・Toshiro Nishizawa (Project Professor, GraSPP)
Panel discussion by 4 GraSPPers
・Marukawa Shogo (Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consultingg Co.,Ltd. Research and Development. Ⅱ, Consultant, Class of 2007, Public Management Program)
・Yumiko Tsubota (JICA, Class of 2009, International Public policy Program)
・Ahmad Mirardli Toshiaki Lukri  (NTT Communication, Global Business Division, Assistant Manager, Class of 2014, MPP/IP)
・Rachel Olanoff  (Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting, Strategy Unit, Consultant, Class of 2015, MPP/IP)
*Moderator Hiroaki Yoshikura (The class of 2018, International Public Policy Program)

■Part3: Network Drink
Exchange meeting for networking of graduates and student of GraSPP
Entry fee  Graduates: 1,500 Yen / Students: 500 Yen / Faculty member: 1,500 Yen
*Please bring your name card
